Quarantine Puts Dampner On Hong Kong For Sprinter

Jason Warren is re-thinking plans to target Group One winner Bel Sprinter at the Hong Kong International meeting in December.

Bel Sprinter is still in quarantine in Singapore after his second in the KrisFlyer International Sprint last month and will do another two weeks quarantine in Sydney when he returns to Australia in 10 days.

“Just seeing how long it takes in quarantine, we may not go to Hong Kong,” Warren said.

“By the time he gets back it could disrupt his autumn campaign.”

Warren said heading to Perth for the Group One Winterbottom Stakes after the Melbourne spring carnival was another option instead of going to Hong Kong.

Bel Sprinter will go straight into work when he gets out of quarantine with Warren looking to target the Group One Manikato Stakes at Moonee Valley first-up in the spring.

His scheduled appearance in the Manikato Stakes sets up a re-match with star Hong Kong sprinter Lucky Nine who is being aimed at the Melbourne spring.

Lucky Nine beat Bel Sprinter in Singapore but Warren will be happy to take him on again on home turf.

The trainer believes the way the Kranji track raced on the night of the KrisFlyer suited Lucky Nine.

“He’s got to come over here and we’ve only got to go two hours up the road which is a bit easier,” Warren said.

“You’ve got to respect him but I wouldn’t be running away from him here.”

Source : AAP

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