Despite having raced in the $US1 million Kris Flyer Sprint (1200m) in Singapore five weeks ago, it will still be another three weeks before Bel Sprinter gets home.
An angry Jason Warren said on Monday that Bel Sprinter arrived at the Eastern Creek quarantine centre in Sydney last Saturday.
“He has to spend three weeks there before I can get him home,” Warren said.
“The only exercise he gets is a hand-walk in the morning and afternoon.
“I’d say this issue plus the quarantine in and out of Hong Kong in December have ruled him out of going there for the International Sprint,” Warren said.
“The autumn in Australia is the best time of year for a sprinter and going to Hong Kong will just make it too difficult for the autumn,” he said.
They just have to do something about the quarantine if they want horses to go to these international meetings.
“Singapore will do anything they can to help you but they can’t control the quarantine rules and this is just not good enough.
“It’ll be two months from the race before I get the horse home,” Warren said.
“The two ideal races for us in the autumn in Melbourne are the Lightning and the Newmarket and you can’t afford to miss those.
“As much and all as I’d like to go to Hong Kong it just makes the autumn too difficult if we do,” he added.
Source : TVN