The NSW Trainers Association is embarking on a campaign to reduce the costs of racing a horse.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in the City, Provincials or the Country, it costs the same to feed a horse and pay the Vet bills.
The NSWTA believe Racing NSW needs to do more to cut the costs of owning a race horse. Yes prize money increases are nice but they only benefit those who win or place. 70% of horses win less than $10,000 per year. (see state below taken from Aust Racing Fact book.)
So when prize money goes up only a few benefit. When costs go down, everyone benefits.
The $1.5m boost to prize money yesterday should’ve been used to stop these rent increases.
I’ve been inundated with calls from trainers this morning where some of their rent bills (in the City) will go up almost 25%.
Ultimately it’ll hurt racing. Trainers will pass costs onto owners, owners will start to drop out, field sizes will drop and punters will miss out too. It’s a vicious circle.
With the trainers full support we plan to embark on a campaign to pressure Racing NSW into reducing costs.
What you can do for now:
* In any media interviews trainers will start to say;
“Prize money is nice but we really need Racing NSW to reduce the costs of owning a race horse”
* This will be repeated to any Race club Director or Racing NSW Director they come across
* This email will be forwarded to owners so they too can assist because after all they’ll end up paying the increased costs too.
This is just stage one and there’s more to come. This morning trainers were talking about protests and strikes, they are very angry.
We’d like to avoid that but we need Racing NSW to come to the party and reduce costs for all, not just increase prize money for those lucky enough to win.”
NSW Trainers Association Chief Executive Steve McMahon said.