Employer Incentives

There are currently more than $4000 in government subsidies available for employers who employ trainees or apprentices in the Racing Industry.

Additional assistance for employers and Australian Apprentices

Depending on the Australian Apprenticeship undertaken, you or your Apprentice may be eligible to apply for one or more of the following additional forms of support. Eligibility criteria applies.

Support for Adult Australian Apprentices – is a direct payment to either an employer or the Australian Apprentice, where the Australian Apprentice is:

  • aged 25 or over at the time they commence their Australian Apprenticeship; and
  • in a Certificate III or IV level qualification in a trade occupation experiencing a skills shortage.

Support for Adult Australian Apprentices is paid to the employer or the Australian Apprentice, depending on the actual wage paid to the Australian Apprentice. The weekly rate for full-time Australian Apprentices is $150 per week (up to a maximum of $7800 per annum) for the first year of the Australian Apprenticeship and $100 per week (up to a maximum of $5200 per annum) for the second year. The weekly rate for part-time Australian Apprentices is $75 per week for the first 24 months and $50 per week for the second 24 months. Support for Adult Australian Apprentices is available from 1 January 2010 and replaces the Support for Mid-Career Apprentices payment.

Tools For Your Trade payment – From 1 January 2010, the new Tools For Your Trade payment is available to Australian Apprentices undertaking a:

  • Certificate III or IV qualification leading to a trade occupation listed on the National Skills Needs List;
  • Certificate II, III or IV agricultural qualification; or
  • Certificate II, III or IV horticulture qualification if in rural or regional Australia.

This payment comprises five tax exempt cash payments totalling $3800, paid over the life of the Australian Apprenticeship. Payments of $800 will be paid at the three, 12 and 24 month points and $700 at the 36 month point and on successful completion. Payment points for part-time Australian Apprentices will differ.

MAS National Australian Apprenticeships Centre provides information, administrative assistance and support to prospective and current Australian Apprentices and employers. They are able to link into job-matching services to place you in touch with job seekers and other people wanting to do an Australian Apprenticeship. Importantly, they can check the availability of incentive payments you may be eligible to receive as an employer of an Australian Apprentice and help with completing the relevant application forms.

For more information about taking on Apprentices or Trainees, contact the Racing NSW/TAFE Western Sydney Institute Training Partnership by phoning 1800 200 724 or visit http://www.rnswtraining.com.au/

For further information on Australian Apprenticeships, contact MAS National on 1300 782 295