There have been various discussions of late regarding issues of mental health and depression amongst trainers. Recent disclosure from some trainers’ and tragic incidents has highlighted the need for more resources to be put into this field.
Racing NSW and the NSW Trainers Association have been working toward better mental health and counseling services for trainers. Jockeys already have a service and on occasions it has been extended to NSW trainers and others, but a more specific service is now available.
We are pleased to advise of the appointment of David Goldman, Psychologist, to offer support services to NSW and ACT trainers and their families. The service can also be extended to Trainer’s staff and others if the need arises.
Many people take advantage of support services to help deal with the pressures of life and work. The aim is to have both proactive and reactive services available for trainers in need.
David Goldman is an expert in his field and is very experienced in working with people from all walks of life. He will be available to provide confidential assistance over the telephone and in person. David is located in Sydney, but has a network of associates throughout NSW able to offer direct assistance to Country respondents, if they prefer personal sessions to that of telephone contact.
Trainers are encouraged to use the service if any of life’s pressures, such as depression, financial difficulties, drug and alcohol problems or life’s general challenges become difficult to deal with. Early intervention can assist in resolving these problems before they become overwhelming.
The service is strictly confidential and extremely supportive. There is no charge – the cost is met by the Racing NSW Trainer Welfare Scheme.
Any persons from the group above who wish to utilise the service can contact David at any time on 1300 88 77 24 (free call).
Again, your contact will be kept strictly confidential.
Details of the service can be found at and but are also include below:
EAP & Trauma – 1300 88 77 24
24 hours a day, all year round
OFFICE: Suite 17, Edgecliff Mews
201 New South Head Road,
Edgecliff NSW 2027
Reception: 02 9328 1352
Referral Process
- Trainers and immediate family can self-refer by calling the toll-free 1300 88 77 24 number
- Important to arrange an appointment that’s the right fit for client in terms of counselor and location
- Family members and Trainer’s staff may also be eligible for counseling assistance
- Strictly maintained unless consent/encouragement is given by the client to release information to designated others.
- All D’Accord staff abide by Health Privacy Laws and Acts, as well as professional APS & EAPAA ethical standards.
- Client identity is NOT disclosed, even on invoicing.
Common Issues
- Work Related
- Interpersonal problems – communication & conflict: staff; management; owners; other trainers
- Occupational Health – physical environment, work conditions, adaptation to change
- Vocational – stress, overload, career etc.
- Personal
- Family & Relationships – divorce, separation
- Emotional – depression, anxiety, lifestyle.
- Mental Health – substance abuse, gambling
- Other (Legal, Financial, Chronic Illness, Bereavement)