For some time now the NSWTA had been lobbying Racing NSW to establish a race meeting abandonment policy. I’m pleased to advise you that we have had success! In the past if a race meeting was called off late or mid meeting, there was a basic understanding only that $200 per horse would be paid but there was no firm policy. The NSWTA believes that the real figure should be around the $400-$500 to adequately cover the costs. In short the maximum claim will now be $600 and the average claim around $350. Racing NSW have listened to us and have released the statement below:
At various times race meetings are called off after scratching time on the day of the meeting and owners and trainers incur expenses such as transport and staff costs. The Board felt that in such cases it is reasonable that participants receive some compensation to offset these costs.
Racing NSW approved of the following policy:
• for TAB race meetings called off after scratching time on race days, the following compensation payments are to be made to trainers for credit to owners’ accounts:
o $200 – Base Payment;
o $150 – Transport up to 80 km round trip (excluding race meetings at the horse’s home track);
o $0.60 – per kilometre travelled after the first 80km round trip.
The maximum transport payment is $400 per horse and the total compensation payment is $600 per horse. compensation payment for non-TAB meetings is to be the base payment of $200 per horse.
Whilst we don’t always agree with Racing NSW they should be commended for taking this step.
October 2013
Steve McMahon
Chief Executive
NSW Trainers Association