For general information on Superannuation please go to Super/
SuperStream data and payment standard
The SuperStream standard is part of the government’s Super Reform package. It will provide a consistent, reliable electronic method of transacting linked data and payments for superannuation. The goal is to improve the efficiency of the superannuation system, to improve the timeliness of processing of rollovers and contributions, and reduce the number of lost accounts and unclaimed monies. For more information go to Super/SuperStream/
SuperStream: simplifying employer contributions
There are over 800,000 Australian employers who are required to make super guarantee contributions on behalf of their employees.
For many, this can be a complex process with multiple funds to contribute to – each with their own specifications for accepting the contributions data and payments.
From 1 July 2014, employers with 20 or more employees will see this simplified when they begin to make contributions using SuperStream. They have up to 12 months to make the change.
From 1 July 2015, small employers (with 19 or fewer employees) will start making contributions using SuperStream and will have up to 12 months to make the change.
SuperStream improves the productivity of the superannuation system by introducing common data items, electronic communications, simpler channels and faster business processes for sending employer contributions.
This contains:
- information on how SuperStream affects the way you make contributions
- answers to employers’ frequently asked questions about
How SuperStream affects the way you make contributions
Under SuperStream, employers must make super contributions electronically. The contribution data is sent electronically in a message format to the fund, and the contribution payment is sent electronically through the banking system.
The data message and payment are linked by a payment reference number, which enables reconciliation by the receiving fund.
Many of the key components required for this change, including e-commerce infrastructure and software solutions, are already in use in the marketplace. Others are currently undergoing development and trials before being implemented.

This video explains SuperStream for employers. It features some businesses sharing their current circumstances and options they are considering to meet their obligations.
View the SuperStream video.
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What you need to do
Employers have options for meeting SuperStream – either using a:
- software solution that conforms to SuperStream
- service provider who can arrange SuperStream compliance on your behalf.
Your options may include:
- upgrading your payroll software
- using an outsourced payroll or other service provider
- using a commercial clearing house or, for employers with 19 or fewer employers, using the free Small Business Superannuation Clearing House
- your default fund. They may also have an electronic channel they manage or can make transitional arrangements for you.
You will need to collect and store additional information about funds in order to send them contributions in accordance with the SuperStream standard.
This includes the following new information:
New information required
Fund type
Fund’s ABN
All funds
Unique superannuation identifier (USI)
APRA-regulated funds only*
Bank account details
Electronic service address
Employee tax file number (TFN)
All funds
* Note: Service providers and default funds can provide this information on your behalf for APRA-regulated fund contributions.
Talk to your HR or payroll solution provider about how to store and integrate this data within your HR or payroll software.

We have videos that explain the key ways in which employers can make SuperStream work for them:
- Employer with software package scenario
- Employer using a service provider scenario
- Small Business Superannuation Clearing House presentation (for employers with 19 or fewer employees)
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Exploring the benefits
SuperStream streamlines the process for employers when making contributions. It provides a simpler, consistent method of preparing contributions, and in many cases, a single channel for interacting with multiple funds.
Payment processing costs will be reduced by removing cheques and unnecessary variation in payment methods between funds. Members will also benefit from contributions being processed faster with less data errors.
Ultimately, the introduction of SuperStream will lead to better retirement outcomes for all Australians including:
- reduced administration costs for members
- higher life-time savings
- fewer lost accounts.
Getting ready
A change of this scale takes time. Careful planning and preparation is needed to establish new systems and processes.
Now is the time to prepare, by investigating your options for meeting SuperStream. Speak to your payroll software provider, clearing house, accountant or bookkeeper, or other service providers to help you find the right solution. Your default fund can also help.
Finalise your plan for implementing SuperStream, and set a target date for processing your first employer contributions using SuperStream.